Can Easter eggs free printables really turn kindergarten chaos into some classroom calm? You betcha. Do your kids have spring fever? Yep. Mine too. And, to be fair…I think I may have it worse than my kindergarteners! During this last stretch of the year, I like to pump up the volume on some unexpected fun […]
Awww, the month of LOVE. Valentine’s Day is my mother’s favorite holiday, so it naturally holds a special place in my heart too! I have a new single out called Giving It Away (if you haven’t heard it yet – WHY are you waiting??), and I thought it would be fitting to create some Valentine’s […]
Jingle Jangle…hello? Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Tornado Tuesday. They’re ALL CALLING. Ok, well that last one isn’t a thing…that I KNOW of. But that’s how my email inbox FEELS. I have spent more unnecessary cash on things I never knew I always needed. Things keep arriving in the mail. Every time the dogs bark and […]
Raise your hand out there if you LOVE to color?! It doesn’t matter how old you are, there’s just something special about seeing a brand new box of crayons and a fresh coloring sheet. And…speaking of coloring, FREE SHEETS are available to download, print, and save RIGHT HERE! The extra cool thing is – each […]
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