How Desk Pets Can (& WILL) Movtivate & Excite Your Students To WRITE!

desk-pets blog post cover:  Getting your students excited to write!

I think I might invest in a GoPro camera I can constantly wear every day in kindergarten. Yes, of COURSE, it would be stylish. 😉 Besides that, it's the only way I could catch all the brilliantly creative things my kids say about their desk pets. However, until that purchase is made, these writing pages might be the next best thing. They can capture their ideas AND practice creative writing – WIN- WIN!

Have you heard the saying, “Write what you know?” Well, trust me. My students know ALL about their desk pets! We've completed their personal “All About Me” weeks – and it's time to start learning about what they think about non-stop. You guessed it. A tiny little eraser, otherwise known as…I don't have to tell you, do I?


You may be thinking…slow your roll there, Kaci. How can my students write about a desk pet – if they have no desk pet?

Well…you have a very valid point there. And might I suggest that you consider possibly implementing this amazing classroom incentive that is fun not only in kindergarten but for 1st-4th, too? I just read a comment on an IG post I made, and they said their 6th graders loved them too!

If you are new to the game, might I suggest starting here:

Mini pet erasers called desk petswhat-is-a-desk-pet-6


There are so many GREAT desk pet ideas floating around out there. I have a pet shop where they can shop each Friday. Our pets live in a “pet parking lot” overnight and when we need a break. We even spend the last full day together in May turning our classroom into….”PET TOWN”.

The best ideas, however, come from the imaginations of the pet owners.

I created these writing prompts to help capture all the fun stories and things they tell me about their pets. I'm not exaggerating when I say they make up an entire backstory about these little erasers – and it's precious. I have 1st and 2nd graders stop by in the mornings and say things like, “Remember when my whale BLUEY had a playdate with SHELL, and WATER-SPRAY the Elephant got mad? That was hilarious.”

You see, I actually do remember.

And I remember when Love the Horse hogged all of the popcorn at the lunch bunch movie and Mr. Penguin lost his nose, and the Polar Bear Brothers found it. I remember, but I will always forget to fill in parents with all the details. I thought it would be fun to try capturing some of the details while they are fresh.

writing page samples and pictures of desk pets in a kindergarten classroom
All 20 writing prompts come with handwriting and single lines. All 20 writing prompts also come in 2 different styles!
whats-a-desk-pet-shop title of blog . Lots of mini animal erasers lined up in a pet shop for a kindergarten classroom
Click to read all about how a desk pet shop works!

I love having my kindergarteners write a prompt every day or so in April and May. Their confidence with writing has really blossomed at this point – and I promise you they will become addicted to writing everything there could ever be to know about their desk pets! (AND MORE)

keepsake book samples for writing prompts

Well, maybe this sounds delightful to you – IF you used desk pets in your classroom. I put together a BONUS PDFa companion piece, if you will.

When you get your writing prompts – you will get this bonus complete with tips, tricks, hints, and links to help you get started or to dive deeper with this classroom management system.

bonus if you're new to desk-pets sample

If you still aren't sure about how desk pets can help with your classroom management, how they can teach responsibility, and how they can be something your kids will treasure and remember, then check out this blog post that will fill you in!

teaching-responsibility-with-desk-pets School desk with tiny desk pet on it: Blog Post Title "How-teaching-responsibility-in-kindergarten-is-a-cinch-with-desk-pets"
If you want to read more about desk pets – try this!

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