My name is Kaci. Kaci SHANNON Bolls. (Actually, Kaci SHANNON Bolls Scott if you're really getting technical.) During the month of March, however, you may call me: Kaci O' Shannon. In my warped mind, I become one of the fringe background characters in every one of these 13 Lucky St. Patrick's Day read-alouds I've picked to share with you.
Every year I've added to my personal classroom library, stocking up on read-aloud leprechaun stories and St. Patrick's Day read-alouds full of rich characters like Tim O'Toole, Jamie O'Rourke, and Fin M'Coul. You can't leave out the silly favorites, such as that old lady who keeps swallowing rainbows and pots of gold or that gingerbread man who has managed to interact with a leprechaun.
From leprechauns to Irish folklore, These St. Patrick's Day read-alouds will surely bring more than a wee bit o' fun to your classroom and home!
St. Patrick's Read Alouds: Irish Folklore
1. Jamie O'Rourke and the big potato
By tomie depaola
2. Jamie O'Rourke and the pooka
By tomie depaola
3. Fin M'Coul – The giant of knockmany hill
By tomie depaola
4. Tim O'toole and the wee folk
By gerald mcdermott
5. fiona's luck
By teresa bateman
6. The Irish cinderlad
By shirley climo
Read Aloud Leprechaun Stories
7. the leprechaun's gold
By Pamela duncan edwards and henry cole
8. The luckiest st. patrick's day ever!
By Teddy Slater
Read Alouds for March
9. My lucky day
By Keiko Kasza
10. there was an old lady who swallowed a clover
By Lucille Colandro
11. the gingerbread man and the leprechaun loose at school
By Laura murray
St. Patrick's Day Read Alouds: Informational
12. st. patrick's day
By Gail Gibbons
13. Tales from Old ireland
By malachy doyle
I personally like to help my kindergarteners welcome a leprechaun visit rather than try to trap it. You can read all about that here! However, we still love to read the books about how to trap a leprechaun, and some of them like to do it at home. Here is one of our favorites:
How to trap a leprechaun
By Sue Fliess

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