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I think I might invest in a GoPro camera I can constantly wear every day in kindergarten. Yes, of COURSE, it would be stylish. 😉 Besides that, it’s the only way I could catch all the brilliantly creative things my kids say about their desk pets. However, until that purchase is made, these writing pages […]

How Desk Pets Can (& WILL) Movtivate & Excite Your Students To WRITE!

Teaching responsibility to five-year-olds can sometimes feel like a daunting task. It’s hard to explain to a new kindergartener WHY they are in charge of carrying their backpack, getting out their folder, and zipping up their own pants. (Yes. This is a thing.) It’s hard for them to start FULL school days, which rip away […]

How Teaching Responsibility in Kindergarten is a Cinch with Desk Pets

whats-a-desk-pet Tiny dog, or desk pet, sitting on a school desk

You know that oh-so-wonderful Sheryl Crow song, “you’re my favorite mistake”, right? Well…what if mistakes were something you celebrated in your classroom? What if you worked to strengthen and build the relationship between students and teachers THROUGH mistakes? What if honoring our mistakes as adults, instead of glossing over them, could teach kids to be […]

How Celebrating Mistakes Can Build the Relationship You Want for Your Students


What’s a desk pet?  Glad you asked!  When I first stumbled across this idea on @hillarysteachingadventures Instagram account, I immediately fell in love! I always enjoy finding new ways to up my classroom management game, and I knew my kids would be hooked instantly.  BUT….Hillary taught 4th grade.  I teach kindergarten.  HOW could I make […]

What Is a Desk Pet? How Are These Adorable Little Things Successful?


If you’re a teacher, you are probably all too familiar with how hard it can be to focus on encouraging positive behavior in the classroom – especially when it feels like you are just trying to stay alive in the game of whack-a-mole chaos that IS every day.  I FEEL YA.  This is not only […]

Two Simple Kindergarten Classroom Management Ideas that Save the Day



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