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Can video game decor REALLY boost your student engagement? YES. AND… it will also level up your classroom organization. Don’t believe me? “I can’t believe y’all waited until the year I was gone from LDC to have THIS as the school-wide theme.” – said a disappointed 6th grader at back-to-school night visiting with his kindergarten […]

How Video Game Decor Boosts Your Student Engagement To All New Levels

What exactly IS a schoolwide theme? How does it work? Who decides what the theme is? Why do schools even do this? I know, I know! Soooo many questions! I’ll answer them all for you. Promise. But first… A schoolwide theme is a brilliant way to unite students, staff, and families each year. Themes can […]

What’s A Schoolwide Theme? How Can It Build Community & Bring The Fun?


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