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Screening for kindergarten is one of the most helpful things for kindergarten teachers as they head into a new school year. The purpose of kindergarten screening is for teachers to get an idea of where each individual child is in regard to skills – both academic and social-emotional. If you are a kindergarten parent, you […]

Screening For Kindergarten: 10 Top Tips Kindergarten Teachers Should Know

happy kindergarten teacher sitting at her desk

Is there some kind of a test for kindergarten? Well, not a test exactly, but an ASSESSMENT. Ohhh…ok, well, what is a kindergarten assessment? It’s something given at SCREENING for kindergarten. Riiiight. Ok, well, what is the purpose of kindergarten screening? Screening for kindergarten helps teachers to get a good idea of where the (mostly […]

Is There A Test For Kindergarten? 10 Top Tips for Kindergarten Screening

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