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What I wish I knew before hip replacement surgery: This is my personal journey with an anterior hip replacement – including hip replacement recovery time, physical therapy, hip replacement symptoms, depression after surgery & more. If you want a candid, real-talk, experience-sharing session about this major surgery – this is a must-read! Super. Okay, but […]

What I Wish I Knew Before Hip Replacement Surgery: 5 Teacher Confessions

Happy lady in a red jumpsuit in a running pose. Title of blog

Teaching kindergarten has absolutely been one of the most rewarding experiences of my lifetime. And, not gonna lie…it has also been one of the most exhausting, mind-bending, and character-building experiences too! (If you are a first-year teacher – never fear! Just keep reading! 🙂 ) Teaching Kindergarten It could very well be that since I […]

Teaching Kindergarten: 10 Helpful Tips Shared From 10 Years Experience

funny kindergarten teacher with silly glasses with mustache


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