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Has my career change later in life been worth it? There is no guidebook on how to change careers later in life, nor is there a rule of thumb as to how many job changes in a lifetime one person can make. This is my experience, and my hope is that it either helps you, […]

Has My Career Change Later In Life Been Worth It? The Unexpected Truth.


Well, well, well…age is wisdom, huh? Today is the day I turn fifty years old. FIFTY. The big 5-0. Halfway to 100. I can honestly say I don’t feel it. I mean…my joints are telling another story, and I suppose the grunting sounds I make when I stand, sit, or move in general might give […]

Age is Wisdom: 50 Random & Possibly Wise Thoughts From Over The Hill

3 smiling ladies wearing 1972 sweatshirts and hats. age-for-over-the-hill


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